

Juniper is a specialist class catering for pupils with complex learning needs and as such requires a high level of personalised learning with a higher staff to pupil ratio.

At Manor Green we understand that children with complex learning needs achieve their potential and feel happy when their environment, learning, communication and routines are structured and personalised to meet their individual needs.

We believe that a consistent approach to teaching and learning, engaging classroom environments and cross-curricular use of visual supports enable the pupils to be independent and engage in learning. The activities throughout the school day are structured around a highly individual and personalised timetable which is child led and tailored to the child’s needs.

Children follow the Semi-formal curriculum pathway that is relevant, broad and balanced to their needs. Each class follows a thematic approach to teaching and learning which changes half termly.  The curriculum focuses on four key areas Cognition and Learning (including Reading, Writing, Number, Shape, Space and Measures and Computing), Communication and Interaction, Physical and Sensory and SEMH.

In addition, children have access to a multi-sensory programme including use of the light and sound room, sensory circuits, outdoor learning environments and therapies. All children have Personalised Learning Goals (PLGs) which help develop skills that promote world ready children.

Individual children are assessed by the Occupational Therapist for sensory integration programmes which area implemented throughout the school day. 

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