
Extended School

After school club

An after school club runs on a Tuesday until 4.15pm.  The activities vary throughout the year.  Clubs are run by our extended hours staff.  Places are limited to ensure pupils get maximum participation.

We continue to work with Springboard, who now have their own facility in the Crawley and Horsham area offer activities for children and young people with disabilities at weekends and during the school holidays.


We also extend the use of the school facilities to residential care homes, so that adults with learning difficulties can enjoy Hydrotherapy Sessions.


Footloose is a dance group for young people with learning difficulties, they use the school facilities on a Wednesday evening between 5pm – 6pm, pupils from Manor Green Primary have the opportunity to join the group and should contact the group organiser, Liz Hart [at] on 01293 438156 Dance Group aged 10-26 Wednesday 5-6.30 pm held at Manor Green School

Year 6 Residential Trip

Each year our Year 6 pupils go on a residential trip to Hindleap Warren.
The children enjoy a wide range of activities which are to develop their skills in PHSCE

Riding for the Disabled

Pupils attend Horse riding lessons at the local RDA/BHS stables.

Forest Schools

Small groups of pupils are involved in Forest Schools, learning outdoor skills as part of their social and emotional development.

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