

The outreach service offers specific and focussed support for pupils with a diagnosis of Autism.

Support to mainstream and specialist schools in the Crawley and surrounding locality;

  • Including a child with SEND more fully into their school life including guidance around social times, teaching and learning and school activities across the day
  • Exploring ways in which the curriculum can be personalised and advice on creative delivery and resourcing
  • Understanding communication, behaviour and sensory differences and challenges
  • Developing awareness of Autism including enhancing peer awareness through assemblies

Some of this support may be through training provided by the Department of Education supported Autism Education Trust accredited training programme.

Learning Tours

In addition we can provide Learning Tours for individual or small groups of teachers and senior leaders who are looking to enhance and extend their knowledge on supporting pupils with complex needs and/or Autism.


Reception & Y1-Y2: Sophie Eaton (

Y3-4: Jodie Rowe (

Y5-6: Jim Duncan (


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