Abbreviations Explained
There are many abbreviations used by professionals. Here’s our guide to understanding what they mean.
- SaLT Speech and Language Therapy
- SaLTA Speech and Language Therapy Assistant
- OT Occupational Therapy
- PT Physiotherapy
- MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties
- SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
- PMLD Profound and multiple learning difficulties
- ASC Autism Spectrum Condition
- SCD Social Communication Disorder
- PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
- ALDs Aided Language Displays
- AAC Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- CAMHS Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- CiN Child in Need
- CLA Child who is looked after
- SW Social Worker
- EP Educational Psychologist
Other common terms
Focused Reading
Small group activities based on individual targets e.g. discussing a shared book in a group, sensory stories etc.
Golden Time
Whole class free choice activity as a reward for good work all week
Star of the Week
A ‘star’ is chosen based on a personal, social or academic achievement through-out the week and celebrated in a whole school assembly
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
Interactive Music
Is an interactive approach used in developing social and communication skills. It involves using songs, games and musical conversations to engage children in social interaction.
Intensive Interaction
Is an approach to teaching pre-speech communication e.g. mimicking a child’s sounds and actions.
Independent Learning
Opportunities are set up both inside and outside the classroom for the children to explore and instigate their own learning.