
Get Involved

Manor Green Primary School Trust is also a Registered Charity

Registered Charity No. 1015188


Donate today

In order to provide the very best opportunities we can for our children and students we need to raise considerable funds each year for equipment, facilities, events, trips and residential experiences. You can support our work in the following ways:

Making a Donation

You can donate by sending a cheque to the school address made payable to Manor Green Primary School Fund and indicate that you would like to Gift Aid your donation.

Please include a contact address so that we can acknowledge your kind support and provide you with an official receipt.  If you would like a formal presentation of your donation, this can be arranged through contacting the school office.

Fundraising Events

If you are a planning a fundraising event for the school or want to support one of our own fundraising events then please contact us. We can support your event through supplying resources such as letter headed sponsor forms, flyers, a list of our current fundraising projects and publicity material.


Volunteers are always welcome in school. If you would like to help with any of the following:

  • Reading
  • Assisting pupils who are wheelchair users on educational visits
  • Swimming
  • Horseriding
  • Helping in a classroom

Please contact the school office to find out about any current Volunteering opportunities and they will arrange a mutually convenient date for you to visit Manor Green Primary School.

You would be expected to have a short induction session and complete a DBS check.

Business in the community

Our school vision is central to all school developments.
We are working to create an exciting and inclusive learning environment to extend learning and teaching opportunities for all pupils where they can develop the knowledge and behaviours to:

  • Enjoy
  • Care for
  • Investigate
  • Maintain
  • Extend
  • Improve

their environment both within the school, their locality and within the wider world.

How can businesses get involved?

A business can contact us directly to discuss either a specific project or to identify a suitable opportunity.

Organisations such as Business in the Community and Teamwork in the Community work with us to identify potential projects and volunteers.

As a school we have approached businesses and organisations directly to provide volunteer help for specific projects as diverse as ‘Forest Schools’ and class curriculum based trips such as a recent trip to London to climb the Monument to the Great Fire of London. We are very grateful to BAA, Sussex Wildlife Trust and Royal London Asset Management for their help in the projects mentioned.

We are looking for Volunteers with a wide range of skills, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn more through working with others including colleagues, pupils, staff and Governors.

With your help we can enhance our curriculum and raise the profile of ‘sustainability issues’ ensuring that we, as a school community are working towards this important goal.

Projects are jointly agreed, funded and coordinated with many volunteers choosing to return.

Please contact the School Office in the first instance if you are interested in helping.

Friends of Manor Green

The Friends support both Manor Green Primary School and Manor Green College by raising much needed funds for extra-curricular activities and equipment for the pupils

They have two major fundraising events in the school calendar being a Summer and a Winter Fair.

The Friends would very much like to welcome new members, fresh ideas and the support of every parent/carer, family members and friends. New members are always welcome at meetings.

If you would like to know more about helping or supporting Friends, please contact the School Office.

Another way of helping the Friends of Manor Green is by donating directly or organise a fundraising idea and ask participants to donate to the Friends’ Just Giving page, which you can find on the Just Giving website.

Friends Registered Charity Number: 1009000

Don’t forget – If you donate money please also complete a Gift Aid form.

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