
PE & Sports Premium

Sports Premium for Academic Year 2021 – 2022

1st Tranche spent £10,436

Objective 1:To develop new and existing outside areas for classroom use.


-The use of new equipment to engage pupils and the replenishment of existing equipment to meet the needs of all pupils and achievability of their targets. 

-Therapeutic aspects to support our children to use the equipment focussing on their gross motor needs and general health and exercise.

2nd Tranche £7,454

Objective 2: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils and increased participation in a range of sports.


-Staff training to enable new and existing staff to maintain our high standards in enabling children to eat healthily, maintain fitness and engage in new sports pupils have an interest in: Boccia, goalball,  adapted cycling, boating, golf, dance and theatre productions, weightlifting and traditional sports.

-Enabling classes to work with coaches, dance teachers, access safe swimming practice and new community links with educational visits.

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