
Online Safety Information for Parents

UK Safer Internet Centre

For Parents and Carers – Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online

Safer Internet - Advice Centre Parents and Carers

For Young People Games, quizzes, films and advice to help you get the most out of the internet while staying safe online

Safer Internet Advice Centre Young People

MyTutor - The Parents’ Guide to Teaching your Teen Online Safety

Internet Matters - For advice on setting devices safely and age specific guides

Net Aware - Useful information and advice for app and game specific guides

BBC - Good for parent tips and advice


Purple Mash



Also, if you are concerned about anything to do with your child’s safety online and prefer to speak with the school initially, please phone our school office on 01293 526873 and ask to speak to our Online Safety and Safeguarding Lead, Jim Duncan.

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