
Our Governors


The core functions of our governing body, as set out in The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, are:

  • ensuring that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;
  • ensuring that the head teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and
  • ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

The statutory purpose of the Governing Body is to promote high standards of educational achievement at the school.

The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff, whereas the governors are responsible for the general direction of the school and providing a strategic overview.

The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the school and ensures accountability, whilst considering the interests of children, parents and staff. It makes decisions about curriculum, finance, staffing and premises matters, to help raise standards of achievement and to make sure that the school provides a good quality education for all of our pupils.


The Governing Body of Manor Green Primary consists of 12 members.

Governors serve for a term of 4 years.

Full name of Governor


Governor Category 

Date of current Appointment or Election

Source of Appointment (where appropriate)

Term of Office / Role

Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interests


Charlotte Gover



20/11/2023 Appointed by governing body

4 years

Appointed as Co-Chair for 1 year on 19/09/2024

Finance Committee

- None Parent governor to 20/11/2023
Natasha Brabon



 16/11/2021 Appointed by governing body

4 years

Appointed as Co-Chair for 1 year on 19/09/2024

Finance Committee

- PA to child at MGC

- PA Care Leavers WSCC

Amanda Preece Headteacher 01/09/2022 Ex-officio by virtue of officer as Headteacher N/A - None  
James Harvey Staff 23/02/2023 Elected 4 years - None  
Lynda Guy

Local Authority

Reappointed from 16/09/2024 West Sussex Local Authority nomination

4 years

- Chairman of Golden Lion Children's Trust  
Gary Medland Parent 10/02/2023 Elected 4 years - None  
Nazish Hashmi Parent 31/01/2024 Elected

4 years

Finance Committee

- None  
Jan Chester Co-Opted 13/04/2023 Appointed by governing body

4 years

Chair of Finance Committee

- None  
Vic Finch


Vice Chair

11/01/2023 Appointed by governing body

4 years

Appointed as Vice Chair for 1 year on 19/09/2024

- Spouse employed by School  
Eileen Keeble Co-Opted 20/11/2023 Appointed by governing body

4 years

Finance Committee

- None Resigned 16/11/2024
Mark Stephens Co-Opted 19/01/2024 Appointed by governing body 4 years - None  
Vacancy Co-Opted     4 years    
Vacancy Co-Opted     4 years    



For attendance during previous academic year to 31/08/2024, please see document below:

Attendance 2023-2024




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