
SEN Information Report

Please read in conjunction with the local offer

Manor Green Primary school caters for up to 210 pupils who have learning difficulties. All pupils who attend our school must have an EHCP. Pupils will have moderate, severe or complex learning needs. Some pupils (43%) are on the ASC.

The school ensures that all pupils have personalised learning opportunities and provision is matched to need through our cycle of self-review and an audit of our school effectiveness.

Our system for tracking pupil progress is embedded across the school with evidencing of pupil progress. The achievement co-ordinator, heads of department and subject leaders evaluate attainment and progress throughout the year. Progress review meetings take place every term and at these meetings we also discuss health, well-being and behaviour as well as academic progress. Following these meetings, if required, the team put positive strategies in place.

The school has a tailor-made, creative curriculum which is highly motivating to all our learners and is personalised to meet the needs of every pupil. There are three curriculum models; formal, semi-formal and pre-formal.

At Manor Green we strive to offer all our pupils the breadth and balance of the National curriculum but the content is modified to meet the complex needs of all of our pupils. Some pupils will have access to the full national curriculum, some pupils will have an essential curriculum and desirable content of the curriculum.

Most of our pupils are educated in generic class bases but we also have 8 classes for pupils with additional needs 4 classes for pupils on the ASC, 3 classes for pupils with SLD and 1 class for pupils with complex needs.

The school structure is reviewed annually to ensure that we have the capacity to meet the needs of our school.

SEN Information Report

We have our own occupational therapist and physiotherapist who work with our NHS providers for therapy services to ensure that all our pupils have the support and intervention required to maximise their progress.

The school offers pupils the opportunity to participate in the Forest School initiative and off site sports activities. All of our Year 6 leavers are offered the chance to participate in our residential week.

We offer all pupils the opportunity to participate in a stunning start, marvellous middle and fantastic finish to termly topics and themes across the school. Pupils have opportunities to visit a museum, Art gallery or theatre during the academic year and everyone participates in our Winter production, Big Draw week and Creative week. We also have a STEM week, Book week and Poetry week. We also have a variety of special events and weeks to support our commitment to delivering a multi-cultural and multi-faith curriculum.

The PSHE curriculum facilitates breadth and depth for all learners to enable them to be as world ready as possible. The curriculum is broken down into 6 main areas; self-awareness, healthy lifestyles, the world I live in, managing feelings, changing and growing and finally self-care, support and safety.  We run an Independence Life Skills strand alongside our curriculum which teaches the children to be as independent as possible. We provide the children with regular opportunities to consolidate their learning through external assembly speakers and educational visits around their local community. We are working closely with Education 4 Safeguarding in West Sussex to provide a robust SEND focus for their ‘4 corner stones.’ This will support all schools to develop a tailored PSHE curriculum pathway for all their students.

The school has a comprehensive appraisal policy for the school team and each member of staff has a professional development plan to ensure that we have a team that has the knowledge, skills and expertise to meet the SEN of all our pupils. The headteacher is a national leader in education and the school is a national support school.

The school has had building work this year to ensure that we have capacity to meet the needs of our local population. The school carries out an annual improvement plan review and through this process the school ensures that it has the specialist equipment and facilities to meet the needs of all our pupils.

The school has consultation evenings three times a year when parents and carers meet the class team and discuss next step targets and discuss progress. There is also an annual review (EHC plan) meeting. Pupils complete their own views (supported by an adult and with symbol support) and this is shared with attendees at the meeting. At the end of the academic year parents are given a progress record and also a blue evidence folder of achievement from the academic year including the assessment update. Alongside this, there are red alert meetings if pupils are not making rapid and sustained progress during this meeting a plan is put in place regarding provision and resources to ensure that the right support and intervention is in place to achieve rapid and sustained progress.

The school has a rolling programme of parent/carer workshops to keep families up to date on teaching and learning strategies in the core subjects.

The governing body have a complaints procedure which is on the web site and if parents wish to use this procedure they are given this information by the office staff or the HLTA who has responsibility for family support.

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