
Team Around the School

About the team

Team Around the School is Manor Green Primary School’s integrated services team. This group of professionals come together once a term and are in contact throughout the term in order to deliver and advise on the therapy needs of our children.

The team delivers therapy, offers advice and training, and writes programmes of therapy for children ensuring that the requirements of the statement are the minimum delivered.

The services represented on the team are Speech and Language Therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, occupational therapy, support for the hearing impaired and visually impaired, community nursing team educational psychology and representatives from our specialist classes and in-school communication staff.

How to access the team

Please complete an in-school referral form available from Amanda Preece. In consultation with you we will either make a single-agency referral or refer the case to the Team Around the School Meeting where all agencies can input advice and support.

Team Around the School Meetings happen in the first 2 weeks of the beginning of each school term but referrals can be made through Amanda Preece at ANY time during the school year.

Roles in the team

Speech and Language Therapy

Support/advice/direct intervention to develop understanding and use of language, social communication skills and the use of augmentative communication.

Early Years Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy for all pre school children and support and advice on swallowing and feeding in the early years.

Paediatric Physiotherapy

Provide programmes, training and assessment for children with neurological conditions, motor difficulties resulting from syndromes and or chromosome abnormalities, co-ordination difficulties, respiratory problems, hyper mobility and foot and knee problems. Support and programmes for hydrotherapy.

Specialist Equipment

Training on manual handling, ICT personalised learning, PMLD delivery and multisensory advice.

Communication Support

Support for all children with communication difficulties including PECS, Signing and Total Communication

Educational Psychology

Consultation on child development and educational issues, Assessment and intervention for motor, language, behaviour, social, emotional and cognitive development. Training in the above for our school staff and parents/carers. Assessment for school placements.

Support for the Visually Impaired

Support the school regarding delivery and equipment for children with Visual Impairments

Support for the Hearing Impaired

Support the school regarding delivery and equipment for children with Hearing Impairments

Occupational Therapy

Support and advice on toileting, motor skills and specialist equipment and activities. Support for hand work groups including Jump-Ahead group.

Interactive Music

Support and advice with direct therapeutic intervention to develop fundamental communication and social skills, confidence and self esteem.

Play Therapy ‘Special Time’

A range of toys and creative art materials used to unlock a child’s potential helping them make sense of their feelings and life experience.

Family Liaison

Support for families within school and with support from social services on behaviour, social deprivation and parenting skills.

School Nurse

Support for all medical needs, feeding, care plans, epilepsy support, liaison with GPs and Community nursing and Paediatric Consultants.

Ethnic Minority Achievement Team

Support for children with English as a second language, bilingual support, translation and cultural advice. In school training.


Support and advice on our children’s specific diets and needs—particularly weight gain and loss.

School Catering

Gives advice on healthy eating and specialist diets for school meals, including textured food for children with reflux and swallowing issues.


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