
Home Learning Ideas

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“Learn, enjoy and achieve together.”

Remote Learning Guidance 2020 / 2021

Specific Aims

  • To outline Manor Green Primary School’s approach for pupils that, from September 1st 2020, will not be attending school through isolating, shielding or as a result of government guidance
  • To outline Manor Green Primary School’s expectations for staff that, from September 1st 2020, will not be attending school due to self-isolation but that are otherwise fit and healthy and able to continue supporting with the teaching, marking and planning for pupils.

Remote learning for pupils that are not able to attend school due to self-isolation or in line with government guidelines.

Manor Green Primary School will provide remote learning opportunities (via online or physical resources) for pupils that are not able to attend school so that no-one need fall to far behind. In the following points, an outline of the provision Manor Green Primary School are fully aware that these are exceptional times and would like to make it clear that the completion of work is not compulsory and that this document seeks to inform and guide our families and not impose expectations.

Following the government guidance, we are ensuring a full curriculum offer is available for all pupils, in school or at home.  We want to reiterate we understand each family is unique and because of this, should approach home learning in way which suits their individual needs.

Each child is provided with English, Maths and topic work (long term projects or with a specific foundation subject focus) every 2 weeks via either one, or combination of, home delivery, Evidence for Learning, YouTube, our FaceBook page and Google Classroom.  All parents have personalised logins to access their children’s work.

Further personalisation is provided by class teachers as required. This can be requested during the weekly welfare call to families.   This may look like further learning tasks, live teaching, video meets, circle time, reading sessions, additional table top tasks or interactive learning activities to deliver at home.

Due to the nature of our children and their specific needs, we expect no more than 2 hours engagement daily in the remote learning offered but we reiterate that we will support families who wish to do more or less than this due to their unique home circumstances.

Family (pupil/parent/guardian) role

  •  Where possible, it is beneficial for young people to maintain a regular and familiar routine. Manor Green Primary School would recommend that where possible each ‘school day’ keeps a level of routine and structure.
  •  Each week, on Monday, work for the week, in English, Maths and Topic will be made accessible by the class teacher via our ‘Evidence for Learning app’. Families should view this together, and then make appropriate plans to complete the work.
  •  Should anything be unclear in the work that is set, parents can communicate with class teachers via the school email address, giving us a call or by commenting through the evidence for learning app. Families can also contact us using the messenger option on our Facebook page.
  •  Work that children complete at home should be kept safe, posted on the app where possible and when it is safe to do so brought back to school. Teachers will comment on the app weekly and where possible discuss face to face during weekly circle times and at welfare calls.
  •  To attempt to make use of the resources shared with them i.e. printing sheets, using relevant mathematical methods etc.
  •  We would encourage parents to support their children’s work, including finding an appropriate place to work and, to the best of their ability, support pupils with work encouraging them to work with good levels of concentration.
  •  Every effort will be made by staff to ensure that work is set promptly on all platforms but school cannot guarantee that the chosen platforms will work on all devices. Should accessing work be an issue, parents should contact school promptly and alternative solutions may be available. These will be discussed on case-to-case basis.

Teacher expectations

In addition to the in-school work with Key Worker and eligible pupils, teachers will continue to support children that are unable to attend.

  •  Teachers should provide work that is relevant to the curriculum focus for that pupil and endeavour to replicate this through video clips or tasks for home learners.
  •  Teachers may, if appropriate create videos or sign post families to appropriate videos for key teaching points in English, Maths and Topic. Staff may, if they wish and feel appropriate send videos or resources to any one of the named social media staff to upload onto the school Facebook page.
  •  Teachers will review learning weekly on the Evidence for Learning app, discuss progress in weekly welfare calls and mark work that is returned to school.
  •  Any resources used, including websites and worksheets, should, where possible, be shared with home learners. Staff will do this electronically and it will be the responsibility of families to print/use these resources at home.
  •  To respond, within reason, promptly to requests for support from families at home. This should be done via email or by adding further video guidance for families. Staff and parents should communicate via the school office email address or call to speak to the class teacher, before 8:45 and after 3:15
  •  Should a staff member require support with the use of technology, it is their responsibility to seek this support in school and Senior Leaders will ensure that support is given promptly. Technology and devices are provided, on loan, where required. Class teacher will discuss remote learning during weekly welfare calls, families are encouraged to discuss any difficulties access the remote learning offer at these calls.

Suitability of work and engagement in learning can be discussed at weekly welfare calls, further personalisation is available upon request.

Useful Resources for Parents / Carers to Support Remote Learning

Learning apps:

Ask you, class teacher, for your login

Purple Mash

Ted Ed

All sorts of engaging educational videos

Reading and Phonics:

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

Teach Your

Audible – kids stories free whilst schools are off

BBC Learning

Barefoot books: animated stories on bing/youtube

Oxford Owl for Home

Lots of free resources for Primary age


Prodigy Maths

Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.


White Rose Maths - Home Learning

Fitness and workout videos:

Jump Start Jonny

Go Noodle

Kids Workouts

CBBC Dances

Music with Mike (interactive music sessions)

Headspace for Kids | Meditation for Children

  • Cosmic Kids Zen den- online yoga videos via you tube
  • Computing


Learn computer programming skills – fun and free.


Creative computer programming

Science, Geography, History and rt

National Geographic Kids

Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Mystery Science

Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This

Wide range of cool educational videos

Crash Course Kids

Paw Print Badges


Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.


All kinds of making.

Cbeebies Radio

Listening activities for the younger ones.

Nature Detectives

A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!

Geography Games

Blue Peter Badges

If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.

The Artful Parent

Good, free art activities

Red Ted Art

Easy arts and crafts for little ones

The Imagination Tree

Creative art and craft activities

Toy Theater

Educational online games

DK Find Out

Activities and quizzes

The National Academy

Nat Geo Kids

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